In my constant search for what tests are actually useful and which are not, I came across this from Dr. Marty Ross. It's probably been posted plenty of times before, but thought it couldn't hurt to leave it anyway.
I'm waiting for a large group of tests to come back from Igenex, so understanding which are good and which are not, according to at least him, is something I am interested in and maybe others will be, also.
I was surprised by some of his thoughts, and not so surprised on others. For instance, he gives ELISA and IFA antibody tests an F. No surprise there, as most all of us do. He gives the Immunoblot Using Synthetic Proteins test an A-, he best he gave. For Immunoblot using Western Blot Method, he gives a B-. PCR test, he believes is a C because of low sensitivity. The only reason he doesn't give it a D is because if it is positive, he writes there's no doubt it is positive.
It's all there to look at in link. I have tried to "link the link," but am not sure I succeeded. If not, just take out the brackets and URL on each side, then copy and paste. Or maybe someone will step in and link it knowing I'm not adept at this on Healing Well But,,, I tried. Link below]
Post Edited By Moderator (Girlie) : 10/19/2022 6:38:20 PM (GMT-7)