Posted 11/13/2022 4:54 PM (GMT -5)
OK. So this is the thread here;f=1;t=125201;p=1
Just a heads up ... it spans 10 years. I wish I could link you directly to the posts about Babsia but they are in there somewhere. I read this entire thread (yes, all 57 pages) which took me 3 months and lead me to buy my own hyperbaric chamber. I started diving about 10 days ago.
If I recall correctly, many of the "divers" in that thread, people doing mHBOT daily for years, have/had Babesia and I think the underlying consensus is you are good to go but do your own homework of course.
If you read the thread, you'll find a woman name Phoiph talking about how she was bed ridden, anit-biotic intolerant mess for 7(?) years and is now living a normal life after daily 1 hour mHBOT. You'll see her guiding many people in that thread ... for the last 10 years which is kind of crazy.
Here are some quotes I have from that thread regarding Babesia and HBOT. Side note: If you Google any of these quotes, you should might get lucky and link to the exact page/post in that thread.
Hope this helps.
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I do believe mHBOT can take care of Babesia as a monotherapy (as it did in my case), but I don't believe it generates enough free radicals to do the job alone; the immune system has to have recovered enough to fight the Babesia and prevent relapse. Since most of the immune system resides in the gut, then IMO, attention to healing it has to be part of the larger treatment strategy.
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Question: October 29, 2013 at 4:32 PM "Great to know mild hyper chambers work too, but i am concerned about co-infection, are not they will trive in oxygene rich body? babesa, bart? Couple of patients report of babesa , bart symptoms increased, pre hyperchamber babesa negative, but post hbot babesa positive and severe fatique and pain in legs...I am anxious to know your views on this."
Lyme report: Montgomery County, MD said...
Answer: "I know this answer is a bit long-winded. This question keeps coming up over and over again. I do not know here this myth came from. But is absolutely false. I fear it may be keeping a lot of patients away from a treatment which might be very helpful.
If this were true nobody would get better since virtually every Lyme patient has co-infections. People do Herx with HBOT so getting worse for a while is part of the process. Oxygen does not act like a fertilizer to promote the growth of various aerobic pathogens/parasites. What is important to hear is that HBOT creates a milieu of: a natural antibiotic, decreased swelling, improved immune function overall, healing of diseased tissues, increased glutathione and improved mitochondrial function. HBOT is used to heal severe non-healing wounds in diabetics, patients with gangrene and other non-healing surgical wounds. All of these infections have a combination of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The treatment kills both. And very importantly, HBOT helps break down biofilms"_
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Hi Nula, I have also tested positive for Babesia (and Bart)...had treated previously with the typical Babs meds but it kept "coming back". Fast forward to 658 (1-hr daily) dives later... I didn't realize that I have no Babsia symptoms anymore, didn't even realize it until you asked about it.
>Phoiph [Smile] you'll be happy to hear that I finished another quarter at school with straight A's..only able to take a couple classes at a time but working my way through slowly but surely. Still dealing with what I feel are brain/gut/hormonal issues though. Severe fatigue and feeling of set back if I am stressed or push myself too much (and by push I mean trying to be normal doing normal ppl things).