Fronton - several other chronicly low tests made me think. Those were;
1)my low cd57 never recovered. That is an average look at a handful of killer cells- several types if I remember correctly.
2)And my white blood cell count became low. Mostly lymphocytes.
3)low globulin protein which make up immune cells
So I went to a functional MD with classes of tests below what’s ubove there. Then I kept doing more, more tests. Then I went to a immune specialist.
I have under range igg, iga, low in range B cells, and some low in range killer cells or T cells (not sure)
**I don’t get sick. ** not viruses anyway. Bacterial- that’s my immune weak point. I do get cavities for no reason to now which is obviously bacterial. So I’m now using CariFree oral products.
The immune cell levels I do have apparently work better than the labs look - That was their reason for my not getting sick often, Or hardly ever actually.
Years of infection can kill immune cells. You don’t make new ones after a certain age apparently.
So I was dx’d with “common variable immune dificiency” and immunoglobulina (or something that sounds like that ) about
4 years ago, which affects 1 in 25,000 people per Wikipedia. I’m guessing there’s more people with or after lyme that have this condition but have not investigated into it.
I have no actual tick symptoms anymore.
I get tested yearly to monitor immune levels. So far it’s the same.
IVIG is usually not insurance covered until it’s proven that you need it to function. Without insurance, it’s extremely speedy. Sounds like an expensive every 6 week habit.
(If the inflation was not so crazy, I sometimes think I should be checking off my bucket list a little more.)
Post Edited (astroman) : 12/6/2022 10:46:14 PM (GMT-8)