Just a heads up, it's very difficult to read posts like this, as the wall of text is not conducive to reading. Try to use more spaces.
I wouldn't waste money on testing, if you saw the tick bite, the LLMD should be alright with that? I wasted so much money testing, only to find out most of my issues are coming from my gallbladder. You're in CT, that's like the home of Lyme, let him know of how difficult it is to save.
Buy your prescript
ions online, if you can. The generics are much cheaper than the US pharmacies. It'll go a long way. I found Rifabutin for a third of the price that it goes for in the US.
Have you considered trying Buhner in the mean time? That's what I'd have done, it's cheap and effective enough for most. Cryptolepis works on babesia. That, japanese knotweed, cat's claw, red sage, chinese skullcap are about
all you need really. Houttuynia works for bartonella. All of these can be bought for cheap as powders, with the exception of cryptolepis which works better as a tincture.
The sweating is something that babesia happens to produce a lot. Bartonella can do that too, but almost everyone with babs mentions profuse sweating.
Don't let your son miss any more school than he already has, life is hard. Please try something, it doesn't have to be expensive. 1st Chinese herbs has all the powders you could need for the Buhner protocol.
Post Edited (Cignet) : 12/30/2022 11:15:07 AM (GMT-8)