Posted 6/20/2016 4:46 PM (GMT -5)
Ever since I got my diet in order, at least in terms of how many calories I'm able to take in (still working on getting my gut to a place where I can add some rice, fruits and starchier veggies back in, and get away from the super high fat, super high protein diet that I've been on), I've been doing what's known as a novice 5x5 program. Every M, W, and F.
There are cardio days in between, during the week, but, while I'd like to do those, just to get my blood going, I need the extra rest in between, and I need what little fat I've got on me.
It's all done with a barbell. The squat, bent over row, overhead shoulder press, bicep curl, bench press, tricep extension, and deadlifts. Some are done every workout day, while others are just a couple times a week. The layout of the workout changes every week. Workout A one week, workout B the next.
Granted, I was and still am a skeleton, but I'm hoping that I will start to notice some muscle growth over the next year or so. It's said that around 2.2 lbs of muscle per month is a good number. I'd be happy with even a pound of muscle growth each month.
I worry that my illnesses will keep my body from properly repairing the muscles after each workout and promoting new growth, because it definitely cannot be the intake anymore.
Speaking of which, while it probably goes without saying, make sure you are getting adequate calories as well as protein (I've read anywhere from .8 to 1 gram per pound of body weight). There are calculators online. Also, if you plan on doing specific lifting exercises, make sure you watch videos on proper form, or even go to a gym, if you feel comfortable (I'd like to someday, but not ready for that yet), because you wanna be doing the lifts right.. both so you can make sure you promote muscle gain but also to avoid injury, which is already enough of a risk, just being sick.
Other risks, I've seen some say that it can drive the infections deeper into the body, which could be true. There will be days where I find it worsens my brain inflammation.
I figure screw it though. Much like with a lot of things in my life, I can't just sit and wait to get better before I start making moves. It'd be ideal, but life is too short, and a lot of the paths that we've gotta walk to get to where we wanna be can be so darn long - gotta start today, if you can, of course. Don't go forcing things too hard, but try at least.
I've been doing a lot of things.. knowing how real the possibility of failure is, just because I feel that I can't put them off anymore. It's like, win or lose, take the shot, 'cause now's the opportunity and tomorrow is not promised. I'll tell you guys about that soon. Maybe in my monthly positivity post, which I need to get around to doing - already the 20th, yo!
Anyway, yeah, definitely working out. Screw being a twig forever, right?
I guess I'm fortunate in that I can manage to push myself to do it, and not be broken for a month after (fingers crossed). Plus, that I can still lift a little weight.
Girlie's all excited over doing 5 lbs - if I'm a twig, she's a darn leaf or something (no offense). lol
I'm a 24 year old male though. There are girls who aren't even like obvious athletic types that are bigger than me. It sucks.
Buuuuuutttttt.. best wishes..