Posted 5/21/2023 9:15 AM (GMT -5)
Yes, that's called Mal de Debarquement Syndrome, MDDS, or Disembarkment Syndrome, because it happens to people following sea voyages. The few neurologists and ENTs who have heard of it will tell you it goes away on its own once people are no longer on a cruise or whatever, but one doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC treats it directly with an interesting technique that involves mapping your particular sway pattern and then making you stand on a platform that sways the opposite way, in order to re-train your proprioception. Fascinating.
You still could see a neurologist and ENT so that they can tell you that you don't have a vestibular tumor or whatever, but chances are it's just related to tick-borne disease and chronic illness processes.
I experienced this off and on for years, for months at a time, and I understand how maddening it can be. What helped me was treating neurological inflammation and getting my body out of constant "fight-or-flight."
It will end!