Posted 6/3/2023 11:52 AM (GMT -5)
This is not the first time I've come across this problem. I made a batch of Sida Acuta extract. I use 195 proof grain alcohol, cut 50% with filtered water, so the alcohol should be strong enough to prevent growths. But I find a mucus substance is left in the jar and on the filtering cloth. This is a highly cohesive and adhesive goo. IOW, it sticks tenaciously to itself and to everything else. It was the dickens to get off the filtering cloth.
The first time it happened I thought it was a growth, the more so because my resulting extract mix had a foul taste, and I ended up trashing a whole lot of extract because I didn't know which herb was the culprit. Next batch I narrowed it down to the Sida. This has happened with no other herb.
So I'm wondering if Sida is naturally mucilaginous, or whether I have a contamination problem. I'm to the point where this is the last batch of Sida I will make. I will either buy it, or I will take the herb in dry capsule form and avoid the extraction process for it altogether.