Saultarus said...
So I have had severe neuro symptoms for 4 years now. With naseau and throwing up.
I had tried high dose bactrim, dapsone , doxycycline, minocycline, methleyne blue, rifampin , every herb in the book and nothing ever seemed to help with anything.
I tested negative for Lyme and co infections through quest as I am poor and can’t afford the expensive tests.
A month ago I got penicillin orally and it started to take away some of my symptoms.
Wednesday I went to the ER and got a penicillin shot.
Since Wednesday 90 percent of my symptoms have drastically improved.
Why would penicillin take away all my symptoms?
Am I possibly dealing with a different type of infection?
I've always had same symptoms and I have to say one thing I've always feared is late stage syphilis since penicillin works for it. Different antibiotics work for different infections and we never know what we have . It's actually pretty scary