Lynnwood said...
The neuropsych exam & it's results are what made my road to full disability happen. Don't take offense, it's not a judgement, it's just a measurement of how your brain works and you already know it's not working 100%, so why not prove it to them and get the disability? I am very grateful my disability attorney mentioned it to me and my Dr concurred and ordered the testing.
That's what I mean, I can't wait to go amd eager to see what the phsyc testing will show. On the other hand, I feel those people are dummies, telling me I'm fine to work due to my lyme because my joints aren't swollen? They have no idea how lyme makes you feel inside rather than the outside. And also, my history of holding jobs in the past, therapy,medication, hospitalizations, they considered none of this . History is a big part of what they should look at . I used to be offended when they mentioned neurophsyc exam bt now I'm actually excited to figure out what it can tell. My thing is , disability isn't always a physical thing, it can be more mental or emotional/psychological