Posted 9/30/2023 12:47 PM (GMT -5)
I wanted to ask the experts here what herbal combination is best for systemic Borrelia/Babesia/Bartonella infection.
I have dozens of bulk organic herbal extracts from Spirit of Health KC and other suppliers, and wanted to get an opinion on a decent stack to combat these infections. I will list what herbs I have, with brief commentary of what I think will work best, and others here can give input and help me pinpoint the those herbs that target these infections most effectively based on the current science.
In the last 8 years a slew of studies have come out showing the effectiveness of micronutrients, herbs and essential oils against Lyme and Bart, out competing doxycycline by a thousand fold in vitro. I have not thoroughly read through them but will in the future. Of course there's the problem of absorption!
Herbal powder extracts:
- Wormwood
Very potent; directions say to take less than two weeks. There have been zero studies on this herb's bactericidal or inhibitory properties against Borrelia and any of the infections I have. It is a powerful but toxic herb in high dosages and I've read studies showing that people use it effectively against Malaria.
- Houttuynia
I find no studies in Supposedly good for Bartonella and Babesia, need evidence.
- Spirulina
More a superfood. From the science I've seen, Spirulina is potently immune stimulatory. In one dose there is a notable impact on natural killer cell content/number and activity in vivo. I think this helps indirectly deter infection by increasing immune system.
- Chorella
I have no idea. Chelates heavy metals. Supposedly immune modulatory and stimulatory.
- Moringa
High iron content. No idea its impact on my infections. Probably good for Babesia due to Babesia destroying red blood cells.
- Sencha Matcha
No idea. Have not found studies in regards to my infections.
- Goldenseal (high Berberine content) root and leaf
Apparently Berberine can kill Lyme but not effectively. Might be good as a combo. Need to see studies.
- Berberine
See above.
- Clove
I have a huge amount of organic clove powder. I've taken sublingual and left in mouth. It is powerful and leaves your mouth burning. The studies I've read say it kills all forms of Borrelia in vitro, including round body. I think a new study on Bart came out showing Cinnamon and Clove are effective at killing BART.
- Nettle
No idea. Good for prostate.
- Black walnut
I remember reading that Black Walnut essential oil killed both Borrelia and Bart. It was a new study I think.
- Acai
Probably not effective. Healthy though.
- Bladderwrack
Iodine kills Borrelia according to numerous studies.
- Kelp
Iodine; could use in combo w/ other herbs.
- Noni fruit
No idea
- Ginseng
Adaptogen. Immune stimulatory. No idea if it can kill infections in vitro.
Herbal pills:
- Artemisia Annu
Apparently good for Babesia; never seen evidence.
- Monolaurin
Apparently kills Lyme spirochetes but not round body forms. Good in combo.
- Green dragon herbs (Knotweed, Cat's claw, Andrographis, Sarsaparilla, Dandelion leaf)
Knotweed is potent at killing Borrelia
- Dr's Inspired Clove Cinnamon lipsomal
Kills Bart and Lyme.
- Olive leaf
Not sure. It's a potent extravt from Island nutrition
- Oregano standardized
Kills Lyme a d Bart I believe.
Mushroom extracts:
- Cordyceps
- Maitake
- Reish
- Turkey Tail
- Lion's Mane
- Chaga
^ ^ ^ Probably all great in own ways. No idea if they target any of the infections but some, such as Maitake, Chaga, Reishi in rease b-cell content and nk-cells.