Posted 11/27/2023 2:52 PM (GMT -5)
I posted earlier in a rush to get to an appointment, so here's more clarification, just in case it's helpful.
For me, aside from reducing exposure as much as possible, treating mold just meant treating CIRS and MCAS.
Treating CIRS meant:
- taking glutathione and other antioxidants
- stopping inflammatory responses with diet and curcumin
- stopping the influx of toxins of all types
- making sure the usual detox pathways (digestion and biliary tract, urinary tract, etc.) were supported using physical movement, bitters, teas, milk thistle, and regular elimination
- very sparing (in my case) use of binders (chlorella, bentonite clay, and a high-veg diet)
Here's a helpful chart of foods that support the elimination of specific mycotoxins.
Treating MCAS meant:
- taking quercetin, curcumin, bromelain, vitamin C
- nettle tea
- oral cromolyn sodium (only to control acute sever digestive symptoms)
- reducing triggers (overstimulation, exertion, stress, toxicity, etc.)
- strict low-histamine diet (this was HUGE for me) including low-histamine beverages and supplements
- limbic system retraining
I have posted here many times at length about limbic system retraining, so I won't get into it too much, but it's not new or controversial science; it's based on neuroplasticisty, and the same principles with which people treat traumatic brain injuries and strokes. When mycotoxins cause neurological symptoms, the solution has to include not just removing mycotoxins from the body and environment, but also undoing the damage they did, otherwise symptoms can persist long after the mycotoxins are gone. Limbic system retraining can undo some of that damage by creating new (non-symptomatic) neuronal pathways in the brain. A nervous system that's dysfunctional - triggered by infections, mold, or other things - will cause havoc in the nervous system, pain receptors, immune system (via the mast cells), neurotransmitters, digestive system, sensory organs, cognitive abilities, and mood.
The programs train you to use specific movements, patterns of mind, and thoughts to cause physiological changes in the brain. You know how someone might throw up before giving a big presentation? That's the limbic system responding in a very real physical way to a negative thought (nervousness about public speaking). A limbic system retraining program will use good thoughts to produce very real physiological changes for the better. It may seem weird in the abstract to consider a program that harnesses the power of emotions and thoughts to heal the body, but it's all connected in ways that much of the time people are happy to accept: hands shake when you're nervous, butterflies in your stomach before a date, heart races when excited, etc. These programs help you do it in an organized way so that you can target health problems. It made a very big difference for me, but it takes a large amount of commitment, and not everyone is able to stick with it enough to see benefits.
The program DNRS was created initially for multiple chemical sensitivities, CFS/ME, and fibromyalgia, and it's recommended by Neil Nathan and other LLMDs as a way to treat MCAS, mycotoxin illness, chronic Lyme, long COVID, and other concerns that are neurological and multi-systemic.