Posted 11/30/2023 7:04 AM (GMT -5)
Hello fellow lymies.
I am a strong advocator/believer in immune system damages being the reason of chronic illnesses, chronic tick-borne infections, chronic fatigues syndrome etc - this view may differ from yours and is no way an offense, its just my oppinion. I do believe their is chronic infection, I am not a CDC guy, I just really really think there needs to be a immune problem for these infections being able to establish.
Therefore i am currently trying to treat my immune system instead of an infection itself.
I thought since so many people are interested in Peptides I decided to open a Thread where I post my experiences sied effects etc.
1. BPC-157 oral - at the moment speaking of today: 100mcg/day ultra low dose (regular dose is 200-500mcg/day)
> First Intake 3 Days ago: Massive Immune Reaction with BP 150/90, RHR 110, hot flushes, dizzyness etc.
> After a 2 hour period of this horror I finally felt better then I have had the past 3 weeks - Coincedence?
> Since then: Only a small warm/hot flush after oral application wich is very tolerable, no BP rising anymore.
> Thinking about increasing to 200mcg wich is the smallest recommended dose.
2. N-Acetyl Epithalone intranasal - first intake yesterday at the evening:
> 1 sprayer first to test allergic/adverse reactions
> I felt very "awake" after application, coincedence?
> I have increased energy today wich i havent experienced for a long time - Coincedence aswell?
I will continue 200mcg of BPC-157 and 1 sprayer of Epithalone and increase to 200mcg BPC and 2x Sprayer of Epi in 2-3 days.
I am also looking out for Thymosin Alpha 1, i will keep you updated and stay safe.
Peptides are no stuff to mess around with, start low dose and take em seriously.