Posted 3/21/2024 5:28 PM (GMT -5)
I used DNRS, the program established by Annie Hopper. It was enormously helpful.
I'm considering checking out the program Primal Trust soon, actually, which combines the limbic system retraining of DNRS with what sounds like Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) and somatic therapy. I have done all of these separately, and I'm curious about how an online program weaves them all together.
I have not tried Gupta (which focuses mostly on the amygdala, I believe) or any other limbic system retraining programs.
Like I mentioned earlier, I got 85% better from treating MCAS and doing DNRS. 85% reliably, some days better. This was nearly five years ago now. Recently I developed sudden and consistent joint issues for the first time, and have been treating them with various supplements, including antimicrobials, in case the cause is a new tick bite I didn't notice or a reactivation of an infection I treated previously. I'm still increasing my doses slowly, relative to a normal person, but I've been amazed by how well I have tolerated everything I have tried (knock on wood)! The antimicrobials I'm taking are black walnut, Baikal skullcap, and Japanese knotweed, and I also take things with milder antimicrobial properties (stevia, vitamin C, vitamin D, kelp, chamomile, grapefruit, black pepper, iodine, coconut oil, garlic, etc.). Somehow I'm doing fine on all of those, plus other things for joints (BioSil, MSM, Solomon's seal, etc.). Before five years ago, it would have taken me a full year to start all of those things, and my system would have been overloaded right away. I probably would have reacted too poorly to continue with half of them, and the remaining ones I'd have to ramp up to so slowly it'd still be under five drops per day at the six-month mark. I can't tell you what a big difference this is for me.
When I first was diagnosed with tick-borne infections eight years ago, I started treating with Byron White formulas and did okay, but definitely herxed and felt fuzzy and bad the whole time. I switched to the Buhner protocol after six months, and needed to ramp up more slowly with that, and felt like I was herxing continuously. (I now know this continuous herxing was probably MCAS.) Eventually I just stopped antimicrobials because my overall condition kept declining. I also tried a DesBio homeopathic kit for Bartonella, which I could not tolerate (horrible herx) and a rife session for Babesia (also horrible herx); I actually ended up in the hospital after both of those! I also tried infrared light, energy work, acupuncture, NAET, flower essences, and other modalities with varying degrees of tolerability. Then I contracted a transient virus that gave me what was basically long COVID before COVID existed, including myositis that put me in a wheelchair. Five months into that nadir of disability, I read Toxic by Neil Nathan, began treating MCAS, and started DNRS. That's my story in a nutshell, and I share it just to show you that people can still get better, even after becoming hypersensitive. And that there are treatments that address hypersensitivity, so that you can tolerate antimicrobials if you need them!