WalkingbyFaith said...
Has she ever been fully under anesthesia before? I assume she would be put to sleep. How long would the surgery last? The longer the surgery, the more time under anesthesia, the more risk.
Has she ever had blood clots, heart problems, slow healing or recovery from other illnesses or injuries?
Has she exhibited any signs of dementia? Anesthesia can affect some people’s minds.
Is she a smoker?
Those are things I can think of that might raise the risk involved.
Could she take supplements like Serrapeptase, nattokinase, or lumbrokinase following the surgery? I can’t remember the differences among them, but I believe one or two of them may help prevent blood clots. Others who know can correct me on this or add to it.
Excellent questions. Thanks so much. I hadn't thought of these.
I'm not sure if she's been under anethesia before. I will ask her. She had a hysterectimy a long time ago. Not sure if she was under for that.
I'll have to ask the doctor how long she would be under for the surgery. I'm not sure.
I don't think she's ever had blood clots or heart problems in the past. I think she has a normal healing response. She's never complained to me about
that before.
She does not have dementia at all thankfully. My father does, but she doesn't have any symptoms.
Good point about
Serrapeptase, nattokinase, or lumbrokinase. She is on statins. I'm not sure if there would be a conflict with statins and those supplements. I have been taking all 3 of those this month for my lyme protocol.
Thankfully she is not a smoker.
Great questions. Thanks so much!!!!