Astronomer said...
I flipped through the forums and saw one for kidney problems but not liver. My bilirubin count has been high and one of the things that it could be is a liver issue....gall bladder too. I have a doctor appointment in 2 days for something unrelated so I'll ask then. My family doctor of 30 years retired and I don't know how much my new one knows about Lyme. Do any of you folks know of Lyme affecting the liver? As far as I know, my Lyme hasn't caused me any major problems but I also know it can creep in to just about any part of your body....even though it can be difficult to tell any particular problem was caused by Lyme. I'm guessing he's going to want to do tests and I suppose it would be a good idea to mention my Lyme.
Bilirubin is 2.3 and normal is 0.2 to 1.2
When I was young - teenager - the whites of my eyes had a yellow tinge to them.
The doctor said it was high bilirubin (I don’t recall if he backed it up with testing.
Fast forward - 40 + years and treating Lyme…
We noticed my eyes don’t have the yellow tinge anymore.
The bilirubin was high during treatment.
I suspect the Bartonella caused it.