Posted 7/10/2024 2:57 PM (GMT -5)
thank you garzie, yeah i know what you mean. If you treat babs and lyme you also treat a lot of other infections. I also did some test for bart and babs this week and hope to see a result(4weeks) soon. My new symptoms where this swollen lymph, throat pain, airhunger, msucle pain, muscle twichting, wierd heartproblems and this wierd freezy felling. On the chronic lab they also write some of this symptomes could cause from chlamyidia so i thought this was the last infection maybe who make everyhting worst, because i didnt had these symptoms. Im just a bit desperated, im scared to take abx and herbs doenst work. I have a call with my docotor tommorow and i guess i will ask him for some abx and then i will decide it. This disease are just so complexed and you really have to watch out what you doing. And you get more and more scared, till you have nothing to lose anymore..