Savedbygrace12 said...
Hey group!!
Hope you all are doing as well as possible.
I’ve had a weird symptom come up after the past while and curious if any of you have dealt with it. Lately I’ve been struggling with swallowing at times and it comes on randomly. I’ve also had nerve like pains in my throat that are also random.
An in office endoscopy that just went to the top of my esophagus, thyroid ultrasound and neck MRA have not showed anything abnormal.
Thanks for your help!!
Before I was diagnosed with Lyme et al - I was sent to several specialists. One was an ENT because I had the sensation of a lump in my throat.
The ENT put a camera through my nose and down my throat to look at it.
Nothing was found.
Eventually it went away - I’m not sure but I believe it was while I was treating Lyme/bartonella.
It was just one of my many symptoms.