Well, you have pretty good response so far to your question.
I would just like to emphasize that it’s more than just killing the critters which you probably understand anyway by now.
There is a reason why a good portion of adults who get Lyme disease recover from it quite quickly -that is because they didn’t have some sort of existing immune dysfunction to begin with. Kind of like Covid why did it kick some peoples areses and others it just like a flu and it was over with. Answer, their immune system is not “normal”.
So to be optimum, you may have to modify your diet lifestyle, etc. Which I’m guessing you already know.
When I have a really good day now, it really feels like a gift.
After having tick infection symptoms for decades, I felt better after 1.5 years of antibiotics and I kept feeling better till six years after that.
(But then my immune dysfunction which is most likely inherited and has a very long name, started rearing its head,….so I am “health challenged” again, but not as bad. Slight brain fog, low energy, Periodic gut and insomnia issues are part of my life and various degrees depending on the day. I can’t work a high stress job with the “spotlight” on me. I am under employed and work in the background and somewhat invisible, which is the only way I can really work full-time In the modern world.**** But, I still function better than In my lowest time with lyme.)****
Post Edited (astroman) : 7/21/2024 8:13:00 PM (GMT-8)