Garzie said...
its difficult to say because i know very little about your case - just a few lines here - so i don't know for instance
why you think you have SIBO -
or what investigations you have had already to help diagnose what it is you are dealing with -
or the severity of the gastro condition itself -
or what co-morbidities you may have along with those that you are describing
all of which would be a factor, for instance, in deciding if surgery was the right path to take - or if it was something i would just tolerate while focussing on treating the underlying tick born infections
many people have SIBO and go through life without even realising - something like 15% of the population - so i doubt its the root of your issues. if its present it wouldn't be helping - but on its own is not normally enough to make people very sick.
i have not taken fluoroquinolones. my most severe symptom was overwhelming fatigue and PEM - to the point that i was housebound - so i was extremely wary of anything which could make my fatigue worse / permanently damage me - like fluorinated antibiotics - the risk / benefit equation for that drug was just not worth it for me - especially as its v unlikely to be a one hit wonder for bartonella - and because there are other drugs that can target bartonella without that risk.
i have targeted bartonella with herbs, methylene blue, fibrinolytic enzymes and combination antibiotics - doxy, rifampicin, clarithromycin etc
i also have lyme and mycoplasma pneumonia - and auto-immune disease - and i went misdiagnosed for 5 years - so i am a slow responder - it takes multiple concurrent treatments for me to move forward - as well as significant diet and lifestyle changes
i have however made steady progress with this approach over the past year and am now at around 70% recovered - perhaps more on the good days
I hope its of some help
Because I don't see any other reasons for my condition. Everyone with lyme is treated with the same schemes, but the gallbladder fell off only for me. It doesn't happen that way, it just doesn't happen. And I don't really notice why your theory about
hyperactive immunity doesn't include SIBR. I sincerely cannot understand this topic about
whether there is a SIBR or not. What difference does it really make if bacteria crawl out of the gut? So there must be a way to suppress them.
Of course, I can make mistakes.