dcd2103 said...
I would look into TB4/TB500. .....
Hey DCD - good to hear from you!
Hope you are doing OK
thanks for that input - it had crossed my mind that it could be some kind of autoimmune phenomenon - as i have other auto-immune issues already ( hashimotos) - so that increases the chances of getting more - but obviously i hope its not.
it flaring during treatment would fit with that - but i have been treating with antibiotics in a pulsed fashion for over a year now - so that's also not really a definitive association - and it feels v different to the tightness in the other arm.
i have also been working out every day pretty hard with weights for a few months - so it could equally just be that i have irritated something - or injured it from not giving it sufficient recovery time in between workouts
oddly it seems to have moved around from where it first started which as definitely in line with my little finger and near my elbow - to now its definitely more in line with my thumb and more in my wrist - v odd and hard to explain
BTW - i find peptides interesting - and wouldn't rule them out for something specific like this
i do think they are unlikely to move the needle dramatically as a primary treatment for lyme etc - so if i have appeared negative about
them - it's mainly on here in that context.
that said, i think some healthy caution is advisable for anything that comes out of the online gym-bro type space - which is where a lot of these growth/recovery type peptides seem to be gaining traction.
i know people in that world and notice that typically their standards for what they will put in their body and the weight they assign to any potential long term negative health impacts are rather different to mine.
i see peptides as something that have huge potential - they are after all some of the signalling molecules that our bodies already use to manage many essential processes - its still rather early in their development cycle - so there is a lot we dont know yet and, since there is rarely a free lunch in biology, some of those things we do not yet know are likely to be risks or downsides - so i think for most lymies a cautious approach is best.
thanks for the feedback on the positive results and safety of this one - i know you will have done your homework - so that's really helpful - i'll definitely look into TB4/T500 - and may tap you up for more info
keep up the good work!