i have done a bit more digging and found this as the only paper that seems relevant in the last 5 years or so -
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324097381_association_of_metronidazole_with_cancer_a_potential_risk_factor_or_inconsistent_deductionsits a review of previous research around the topic
there are a few provisos:
- the paper is by lesser known institutions and is published in a lesser known journal
- its based on metronidazole - rather than Tinidazole - though their effects are thought to be similar as their structures and biological actions are very similar
overall it demonstrates some associations between various types of cancer and metronidazole - but when corrected for confounding factors like smoking / lifestyle etc - these are often not very large increases over background risk.
there is also some interesting discussion of how the previous trials results may have drawn erroneous conclusions
for instance where the condition for which the metronidazole is being taken actually carries an increased cancer risk - as in the case of vaginosis - that was not factored into the previous papers.
to JMF's point - anything that causes inflammation - including lyme or other infections - especially if chronic - increases cancer risk.
ref the sex differences - there is mention of a connection with estrogen - as in the laboratory experiments male and female mice had tumours in predominantly different sites - and some mechanism involving estrogen was proposed
the overall takeaway is that it does look like on balance there is some increased risk to metronidazole and
that this seems to increase based on dosage in laboratory animals - and especially in long term use in humans.
the other factor to consider - is that our bodies are exposed to and are detoxifying and excreting carcinogenic compounds all of the time - and then repairing the DNA damage that otherwise leads to cancer. They are generally very good at doing so
where we run into problems is when these mechanism get overloaded - and can no longer keep up
so where the total load of insults from diet, lifestyle etc - or drinking or smoking out strip the bodies ability to repair - or lack of things like proper nutrients, hampers the body's ability to support these processes properly.
so as well as avoiding carcinogens where possible - the other side of the equation - like proper diet and good lifestyle - are equally - or since we cannot avoid all carcinogens - perhaps more important.