Quin said...
Basically, yes... but it's complicated.
The allergy symptoms and MCAS were my very first symptoms of Lyme disease. At the time, I didn't connect it to the tick bite. I never got a rash where the tick bit me, but over the next few years I started getting allergic to everything. Pollen that had never bothered me before was giving me fits.
When I started taking antibiotics this largely went away. The antibiotics that I took initially weren't enough to eliminate the borrelia infection, but it put the bacteria into a dormant state where my immune system didn't react to it so much, and the allergies started to go away. Of course, it came back when I later stopped the antibiotics.
So theoretically this can work, but I don't think just blocking H1 and H2 would be enough. I found that B-cell activation and antibodies are part of it too. It's not just the mast cells, but also antibodies against the wrong things that results in the mast cell activation. Activation of B-cells requires a signal, generally from helper T cells, indicating an active infection, so you would have to block this, and not just histamines.
ok, that make sense. So if i'm understanding correctly, the best way to solve my tickborne related MCAS would be to outright solve the tickborne diseases, in my case lyme/bart/rickettsia.