Posted 7/7/2023 12:18 AM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone!
Just recently posted about my great pain relief from osteopathic manipulation and I'm now back to being in pain all the time - but I think if I hadn't changed my regimen, I'd be okay, so I stand by my suggestion of giving osteo a try! My neck was amazing for a while there and I can visibly tell that my range of motion is better.
Anyway, I started methylene blue around June 24. Usually with MCAS I will know pretty quick if I don't tolerate something, but occasionally I have slowly increasing reactivity that takes me off guard like this.
Slowly but surely I've noticed some increased constipation (usually controlled well by prescription motility agents), increased tingling in all of my limbs, more hives than usual (like, 3 in the last week compared to getting them rarely once every few months), increased bloating, brain fog. I have some symptoms around the clock, but most notably, I am getting terrible reactions to eating. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat, I get muscle weakness, neck pain, tingling, and brain fog and for a good hour after, I'm laying in agony on my bed.
I'm only on 10mg of methylene blue, but this has been the biggest change in my regimen lately. The distinct link to my eating patterns makes me worry that it's my MCAS getting worse for some reason. But I'm wondering, if it's maybe killing bartonella in the GI tract, maybe that's why my mast cells are angry? Could the worsening of MCAS be a downstream side effect of a herx?
I'm also curious, what have others experiences of herxing from MB been? Is it common with this med? Delayed? I am on such a low dose, I didn't such expect a strong reaction.