saraeli said...
I am so impressed by how much time and thought Garzie puts into every post. It's a tremendous amount of unpaid work, and I'm so grateful for his extensive contributions.
thank you for this Sara - lyme has become my full time job over the last few years!
that's what it seems to have taken for me to come to grips with what it is and how to deal with it.
i am seriously considering turning it into paid work that might go some way towards supporting myself ....
in the meantime i get some small satisfaction from trying to pass on what i have learned and helping people where i can.
i see you going to some lengths to do that also - so your kind words are all the more appreciated
i think its particularly valuable to have someone like yourself that took a different path to getting well on the forum to provide more diversity of views and experiences.
keep up the good work and all the best!