Hi Bhava
Dr J’s protocols are not published officially in detail anywhere online - at least not that i have found
You can get the main drugs and principles from his online presentations that are on YouTube and piece most of it together from there - but some of the specifics – like doses - are missing
in any case i think the principles are more important than the specifics for the most part – as he swaps some antibiotics out depending on patient preferences and individual cases - if you watch his presentations you will see that he is following general principles rather than being fixed on exact antibiotics
Girlie has posted her protocol from her time with him on the forum in the past so you could look for her past posts
Here is what I have been able to piece together of the persister protocol –
VIEW IMAGEIt’s not 100% - for instance the timing of the xylitol and lactoferrin is not 100% clear – could be 1st week or second week - but its likely either would work
if Girlie sees this she may be able to clarify / correct any errors
dapsone is not paired with tinidazole as such - it is in fact paired with Daraprim - as this combo is known to be effective for several target organisms - or dapsone is paired with a sulfur drug generally
Ref cystic forms – round bodies - l-forms etc - as I have posted before – I think there is confusion here - and these are essentially all the same thing – different shaped persister cells – and the different nomenclature is just a result of different people coming up with different terms for the same thing at a time when our understanding was incomplete and terminology had not yet been established
I haven’t seen anything to support that the round shaped coiled spirochetes or cysts are true cysts as produced by some parasites with an impermeable outer membrane – and are therefore differently susceptible to different antibiotics compared to the other shapes of persister cells.
instead these borrelia forms just seem to have rearranged their outer membrane from linear spiral shapes to various coiled, malformed spirals with bulb on the end or spherical shapes and as a result are susceptible to most persister drugs – like other persister cells.
At least that’s my read on it
more info here https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2564911/