Posted 3/7/2024 11:31 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all, apologies as I posted a similar post before.
I'm thinking of switching doctors as mine seems to be out of ideas - I'm currently testing negative for tickborne diseases but still symptomatic. I'm being treated for mold as well but the treatment is feeling somewhat two dimensional and I think their wheelhouse is mostly tickborne diseases - also their office has become rather dysfunctional and isn't completing basic tasks like refilling prescriptions or sending me tests in a timely manner. My last meeting with my doc felt like she was annoyed with me in that familiar way doctors get annoyed with people with chronic illness. I'd say I'm about 80% recovered from my worst, still some vague neurological symptoms and a constant spacey/out of it feeling like I have a head cold all the time - which is my most annoying symptom by far.
Anyway I'm thinking it may be time to move on, or at least get a consult with someone else. Anyone have a doc in the New England area that they're happy with, particularly one with a mold/CIRS focus? I may try Dr T in VT.