Garzie said...
good Luck Anna
i also started with herbs and added antibiotics later and it has resulted in ongoing improvement
the emotional symptoms you mention sound very much like the signs of a herx reaction and are to be expected ( worsening of existing symptoms and arrival of new ones ) these typically reduce over time
in terms of overall plan - from my experience i would suggest a few things to consider that have helped me considerably - and you may also find helpfu:
1, consider keeping some form of detailed treatment and progress tracker - when we go into treatment we often think of it as rather binary ( it either works or doesn't work) and relatively short term (a few weeks to a few months) - but in reality, in people who have been sick for years with lyme and co - it's much more often often nuanced and long term ( many months). in these circumstances having a tool that can show objectively - if there is progress or not - which symptoms might be related to which intervention and help steer my treatment decisions especially when self treating has been utterly indispensable to me and pivotal to my progress.
(i have posted guides and even templates for doing this on the forum )
2, lyme and bartonella are both biofilm forming infections - and chronic infections always involve biofilm - so you may wish to include biofilm disrupting agents in your protocol. most LLMD's now incorporate biofilm disrupting agents into their protocols. there are many of them to choose from and they often work best in combination, but be aware they will typically increase herx reactions ( they increase the effectiveness of antibiotics ) and so you may want to add them in a phased approach.
i hope its of some help
all the very best !
Hi and thank you!
I hope you are right about
herxing in this case! and thanks for your tips. I have been taking notes since the beginning of treatment when I was on herbs and will continue to do so.
Hmmm I thought that Tinidazole was for biofilms but I'm not sure. My doctor will definitely add more meds after a few weeks of treatment, from what he said.
What worked best for your biofilms?