Hi! I have moved into a new home (due to aspergilis, ERMI score and my intolerance). However, I need to get water filtration. I am wondering if anyone knows about
these, and if so, is aquasana good? This is the one I found:
My other question surrounds the issue of electric shocks. It is very dry in the winder, which is making it worse, but I have a 100% nylon carpet, and also low MSH (Dr. S says that the toxicity level causes us to conduct electricity more). All this shocking is driving me crazy... I am wearing rubber slippers,but it still is crazy in here, I"m shocking my phone, laptop, etc. I am ready to go out and buy static guard. However, not sure how safe that is. I have also heard that if you rub some fabric softener on you, it gets better.
I would really appreciate any info out there that folks know about!
THanks so much!