well i'm not sure if i should hold out much hope anymore, but i did get my app dats for the nero 7-10, long time to wait for answers. so i called em and asked to be placed on there cancilations list, they called me right back in 10 mins with a new appointment tomorrow afternoon. so i'm hoping he can rule MS in or out, if its out i am calling the ID back to move up my next app with him for as soon as possable not waiting 6 wks.
i did have my app with the eye placite sergen and he can do anything till he knows if its lymes or MS, but both can couse my troubles.and he does belive it can be removed. so the wait is still on there too.
i am also gonna try to talk my reg doc into treating me still. i have more faith in him then the ID who is said to be LLMD. cant prove it by me tho. said if i belived it was lymes after going to a nero he would treat me, what a crock. i gave him a list a mile long of what was happen to me and he blows me off with a smile. i just think if i'm gonna have to tech the doc as i learn why not doing it with a doc i like and how likes me...lol( he is also a lot cheaper to see)
i am also planing on asking my doc to check into the flow cymtyer test too. not sure my inc will cover it but i can try, have nothing more to lose there and everything to cain.
here i was thinking nothing could be worse then the pain, but now i have to add in the virtigo and i am so scared of falling and do more damage to my knee its like whats next. so scared of being scared now.