Posted 5/27/2009 10:50 PM (GMT -5)
I'm 47 yrs old. The visual acuity in my left eye has markedly decreased from 20/25 to 20/200-400. I started taking Plaquenil in mid-Oct/08.
The vision in my left eye is now much worse than BEFORE I had laser eye correction in 2006. In other words, the left eye is now worse than it was WITHOUT glasses! But no Plaquenil toxicity per eye exam.
How did I find this out? I saw the ophthalmologist recently for Plaquenil screening, who said there is no evidence of toxicity. The first individual who tested my vision said the left eye is 20/400; the physician said it's 20/200 or worse, depending on the day.
Here's the back story:
Due to nearsightedness, I had successful laser eye correction surgery done in July 2006. I selected monovison, which means the less dominant eye (my left) was slightly under-corrected to prolong the need for reading glasses. I was 44 yrs old in 2006.
My file at the laser eye place states that on August 26/2006, the tests indicated the following post-surgery visual acuity:
Right Eye: 20/20
Left Eye: 20/25
Prior to laser eye correction, my eyeglass Rx was:
Right Eye: -2.50
Left Eye: -2.25
(in the 20/200 range per "Snellen" Chart)
Below, I have copied and pasted "Snellen'' Chart: Reference:
Snellen---------Estimated Prescription:
20/10-----------Plano (zero)
20/20-----------Plano to -0.25
20/30.............. -0.50
20/40.............. -0.75
20/50.............. -1.00 to -1.25
20/100............ -1.75 to -2.00
20/200............ -2.00 to -2.50
I told the ophthalmologist that I was very surprised and concerned. At that time, I didn't know what my visual acuity actually had been post-laser eye correction. He didn't ask either, which now I find rather strange. Of course I said that I had had laser eye correction, and had selected monovision.
The ophthalmologist simply stated that the vision in my left eye is extremely poor, but there is no evidence of Plaquenil and my eyes are healthy. Marked visual loss is healthy?
I spoke with two different "office persons" at the place where I had the laser eye correction done, who both said "That's very unusual.'' My LLMD has advised to stop Plaquenil, which I had already done so by instinct.
I also spoke with the "office person" at the ophthalmologist's office, who assured me that my eyes are "healthy" and there is no need to see the eye specialist again, but to go back to the place where I got the laser eye surgery done (they are ophthamologists). I have an appt on June 3rd/09.
If anyone can shine some light on this issue or wants to share their story, please do so. It just doesn't make sense to me that I have marked reduced visual acuity in one eye, yet my eyes are ''healthy.''
Cara (aka nickname Carrie)
Lyme meds: Plaquenil 200 mg bid since OCTOBER 2008 plus
Mepron 750 mg bid + Zithromax 250 mg bid mid since Dec/08 (re-treating babs)
-------Started tx for Lyme/Babesiosis effective January 2008-