I've had my last dose of IV ceftriaxone, which lasted 28 days. Before that I was on Biaxin for 3 weeks and then went on Doxycycline for about
5 weeks, before getting to the ID MD who doesn't believe in chronic Lyme and that if my symptoms return it wasn't Lyme that was causing them, so if I want further treatment will be starting over to find a doctor who does. I was just glad that she was willing to treat me at all!
I was bitten in June 2005, and was treated with only 10 days of Doxycycline at the end of August 2005. I did recover from the symptoms then, and went on an herbal treatment. Then I was only using wormwood. I also took supplements to boost my immunity, and thought I was over it, and felt better up until this past winter into spring when I was catching it seemed like every germ that went through the nursing home where I work. In March just thought it was severe sinustis, until the other symptoms showed up. I am feeling mostly better. Still have slight stiffness around knees, my back bothers me, but I'm hoping is from having fallen down the steps in March, and still slightly feel the lymph nodes along the sides of my neck, but they are also going down.
I am working on getting my digestive system back together after the abx, going back on all the supplements, consistantly took the multi and probiotic, and still have a few days of Flagyl. I plan to also take an herbal treatment to make sure the Lyme is gone if that's possible. It is my understanding that in2005, the Lyme was not treated long enough, but went dormant, and my immune system kept it dormant until the other stuff going around knocked it down enough for the Lyme to resurface.
The treatment I plan to start is Spirolyd Support containing: Houttunia leaf, Japanese Teasel root, Boneset herb, Isatis root, Lomatium root. It is to be used along with Spirolyd Compound which contains: Sarsparilla rhizome, Guiacum wood, Chinese Andrographis herb, Stillingia fresh root, Prickly Ash bark.
My question is should I wait to take the herbal treatment or start it as soon as possible? And do the herbs work like the abx, and not function on dormant spirochetes? If that is the case and all they have done is to go dormant again, should I bother to even try the herbal treatment at all? The clinical herbalist who suggested the treatment also said that you need to steam yourself up twice a day in a sauna or hot tub or overheated car, to get them moving, but if they are dormant will they move?