You are welcome, Weary. I was happy to be the 'giver' in possibly helpful info!
Hoping, still looking into this. This is quite possibly MORE than a 'glimmer' of hope! It does appear that you don't have to travel to get this drug. It is FDA approved for higher dose for narcotic addictions, there just have not been enough studies for the low dose. So you have to find an extremely reputable pharmacy (listed when you do the search) that can properly break down/process a higher dose into 1/10 smaller dose, encapsulate it w/ the proper fillers. Pharmacy must also have excellent quality control.
From the pharmacies listed on the website, your own Dr can prescribe and order the proper dose.
This drug boosts your immune system, increasing your killer cells, sending them off to war. There are no known side effects, except possibly in those who should not take it. What more could we ask for??
If you will do a search on it, you will find a very long list of diseases, conditions, infections, etc that have improved and/or been cured in those taking this. It includes Lupus, ALS, MS, AIDS, Chronic Fatigue, fibromyalgia, Chron's, some I forget right now, and a LONG list of cancers.
This is certainly worth looking up and asking your Dr about
, which I can't wait to do! I'd rather take something that boosts my immune system than long term abx that can possibly run it down. NOT saying I will refuse abx, however, I WILL discuss this w/ Dr.!
And I am serious about researching this! So if some time passes that I'm not here, it's because i'm researching this drug!