I started getting really sick to my stomach and my arms felt so weak, my legs shakier than they've ever been before and my heart was racing and pounding out of my chest. I felt like something was really wrong and knowing how I'd probably be dismissed in the ER, I knew I had to go anyhow. I decided it's better for me to pass out there than at home!
So...we all know everything came back normal, lol. Or at least that's what I was told.
My Absolute Monocyte count was high along with my Platelets which are always high. From what I've read, you can have a high abs mono count if you have a chronic infammatory disease, some viruses, TB, or a Parasitic Infection. Has anyone else had a high ABSOLUTE mono value? Not the Mono Auto value, but the one that says 'abs' by it...either alone or in conjunction with a high platelet value?
They gave me ativan to help stop my shakiness which it did, and I told them I took about 5 mg of Valium before I came in too. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep.
Anyhow...I forgot about all of these tests my ID wanted me to have done and because I had no insurance then I was putting them off...so in the morning, I'm going to the hospital to have these tests done: (tell me what you think)
Q Fever AB Panel IGG/IGM
Babesia IGG/IGM
Histoplasmosis CF (yeast and mycelial)
Cryptococcus AB
Blasto ID
24 Hour Urine for Porphyrins
24 Hour Urine for Heavy Metals (already had hair test done)
HSV 1 and 2 IGG/IGM
Cat Scratch AB Panel
I wonder if I'll have any blood when I get home...!