I hope that this post and these questions will be of some benefit to others as well. Surely there are others in the same spot as I?
My Quest labs clearly show Babesia microti, high enough to indicate 'acute', even tho I'm not exactly 'acute'. (or am I?) It says they are high enough to be seen thru smears.
LLMD acknowledged this, along w/ all the other stuff and stuff (like hormones) that I did not know were low. He stated that my lyme would not get better until babs was better, just as you all have said. He said the Babs had to be addressed.
However, he wrote me out a script for lab work from Fry, for babs, along w/ other tests that he said would cost a few hundred dollars. He also wrote out script meds for the viruses, hormones, and Lyme. But nothing for the babs.
Thanks partly to Lyme (oral and dental disasters costing $2000, & all the cash I've paid him and labcorp) and partly to our times, I am out of money and out of credit. I no longer have the emergency credit (no more cash!) I had set aside in case of emergency w/ my parents or my dogs. My car was stolen yesterday (still owe on) and I have no idea what I'll do about that $500 deductible or what will happen. I do have a job, tho my earnings are low. I do have health insurance.
I'm not being pitiful, just emphasizing the fact I'm at the end of the 'game'. And I know there are others out there too. If my lab work clearly shows babs, why would he insist on another test w/o treating the babs? He is totally and completely unreachable by phone. He would not even return calls to the lab when they called him to ask questions about the rheum panel.
I've got the lab work and some starter scripts for Lyme, which was my sole intention. I'm going to hang on w/ these til I can get into a local PCP who also specializes in Lyme. Hopefully my babesia labs will help me get in sooner.
Meantime, what is the best I can do about the babesia? Certainly my high dose Amox is not worthless for the lyme in the meantime, is it?
And I have some doxy left -- I see that it can be used to treat malaria. What about babs?
Surely there is something I can do in the meantime for these greasy little Rat B's, isn't there?
PS: meantime, I'm finding older posts here on cat's claw, etc. I'll see if I can get a little 'protocol' going here, so any advice is appreciated.