Hi Traveler,
Yes, I am an early bird! Early to rise and early to bed..
Anyway, yes, I followed Dr. Jernigan's protocol from his first book, he has a chapter called "Healing at Home" (original book) that I followed. I had chronic lyme for over 10 years or longer and his protocol consists of taking botanicals for 8 months or so as well as learning how to detox (he is very big on detoxing), learning how positive thinking affects this disease, etc.
He really addresses every aspect of lyme disease, not just the bacteria but mind, body and spirit as well. His thinking is to restore the body and mind back to where it was before one got infected so then the body can fight the bacteria on it's own. He believes as well as I that our bodies are very, very smart and not dumb at all..
Also, let's say a person had a traumatic episode or has emotional issues (prior to getting infected like divorce, death in the family, job loss, etc.), well, that must be dealt with or that person is not going to get better. So he looks at the big picture, not just killing off bacteria.
Anyway, I started feeling better the very first month after taking his Borrelogen which shocked me as I was not in the most positive state of mind, thought this was going to be another hoax.. But this man knows his stuff and I became better and stayed better. I detox, exercise and try to eat as healthy as I can to "maintain" my health.
I am also impressed that Dr. J. had chronic lyme himself (almost died) so he walked down that road as well as the fact that he grows his own botanicals, tests them with Bio-Reasonance Scanning (something he invented) before he bottles them and sells them. That made me feel safe. I also liked that fact that if I had questions (and I had plenty) that I was able to call his office and get advice.
As far as the Cowden protocol or even Zhang, I never followed either protocol so I can't really say anything about it.
I say this to anyone who is considering alternative treatments, read the books about the protocols if one is written and then make up your mind. You are your best advocate. My attitude is try a protocol for a few months (starting with a "clean" body meaning one has no effects from a previous protocol), see how you feel and if not better, stop it, detox like crazy, and then try a different protocol.
Oh, I am not affiliated with Dr. Jernigan in any form or way, LOL! Do I really need to put that in? I know Razzle put in a line about Blue Bonnet, I thought that was margarine (sp?)!
Hope that helps,