I have found that lyme requires a many pronged attack, some people have stronger cases than others, depending on how long it has been active and what the physical condition of the host is.
The Klinghardt method provides a plethora of good information about
dealing with the wide attack and is available online. He is one of many doctors that believe in the use of natural immune boosting vitamins and substances to bolster the bodies natural defenses. Also, he is very holistic, and deals with the wide ranging effects of detoxification, which is for sure a difficulty with antibiotics as the die-off of parasites causes its own toxicity.
Here is an article entitled,
"Lyme, a look beyond antibiotics"www.klinghardtneurobiology.com/LymeALookBeyond6.pdfHaving suffered for years with Lyme, chronic fatigue, stiffness, difficulty breathing, digesting, schizophrenic tendencies, OCD, memory loss, poor blood circulation I am well aware of the difficulty of lyme. You must be willing to be flexible and intuitive to beat lyme. I recommend, a balanced vitamin blend, A,B,C,D to support all major systems and keep your chemical levels balanced. Other helpers, Fish oil, licorice, herbal teas, whole apples (i felt great effects while chewing on apple cores. Salt is good too, bad for lyme, good for you. I made salty chocolates!
You can read up on what works best, there is plenty of good internet advice available. You must be aware that lyme also
opens up your door for other infections, so listen to your body for where pain is occurring, then research what remedies are available. I say this because, sure, a doctor who specializes in lyme has a lot to offer buuuuuttt... that doctor is not inside your body 24 hours a day, and lyme is a very sneaky enemy. For example, if i feel lyme activity in my prostate/colon region then I use vinegar to help increase my rate of excretion (#2). Then you need to consider the other half of the treatment, the energy side. YOU MUST STAY POSITIVE!! This may be the reason I believe more in natural remedies than antibiotics, because if its a long term battle, you have a better chance with nature, call it intuition if you will but i will stick by it though Dr. Klinghardt, renowned doctor also states, the vitamins are a foundation of the treatment. (Go figure, there had to be a reason God went to all the trouble of designing all this good stuff from apples to red algae..)
Anyhoo, music therapy is wonderful, it calms the racing heart and mind, (which i can attest to feeling instant relief from when my body is fighting hard).
Laughter stimulates all the organs. I recommend Arrested Development and My Name is Earl, as well as the Simpsons. Frequent bathroom use for detox. Avoid stress and stressful people.
Yoga, tai chi stimulate bloodflow which the lyme will try to inhibit by attacking nerve centers.
Sleep... This is a doozy because if you are trying things like/c you will find all your biorhythms very unstable. There are certain natural plants/herbs that when made into tea, are very suitable for inducing sleep, where your body can recharge for the essential battle.
People: avoid the bad and embrace the good ones. Positive energy radiates from people and can help heal.
Read: while you may feel burned out, reading is a relaxing yet brain stimulating activity.
Walking: good for gauging your body’s state, try to identify where pain is occurring. Walk slowly and in an area of nature, or less stimulation (cars, etc) where you can focus on breathing, the body natural stethoscope.
Heat, this is good. Hot showers can loosen up all the nerves and improve circulation.
Bottom line: things that make you FEEL GOOD, make lyme FEEL BAD. Of course when lyme, FEELS BAD, its going to want to make you FEEL BAD, but if you are experienced with lyme, you will start to realize when you're feeling bad is the lyme feeling bad and that will make you feel GOOD! (See Herxheimer reaction).
Which brings me to maybe the most important!! Lyme finds your bodies natural power areas and tries to disable them.
Sometimes it will be hard to breathe when you are digesting food, sometimes you will ache so bad you wont want to leave bed, this is par for the course so just keep reading the advice that others can offer. Maybe keep a journal of what works for you? Part of the reason I am so attentive to the little victories and losses of the lyme battle is that lyme is a smart enemy, kind of like a chess player who attacks all your pieces in the hope of bringing down the king, PROTECT THE KING (or queen)!!
Oh, and if you can take off work/school, you should. stress is like candy for lyme.
Post Edited By Moderator (CajunGrl) : 11/15/2009 9:11:29 PM (GMT-7)