yep you're right. Under a lot of stress and I was always a worry. Worried about
who though what of me. Paranoid someone didn't like more or was taking about
me. Did I make a mistake, was I in trouble. My whole life and I use to get deathly sick in my gut and now bam! gut issues to the max and now I could careless about
who thinks what. This dis-ease (my body is not at ease at the moment) has slowed me down and made me less worried about
others. So yes I believe it laid dormate and it was flared up by my emotions. I'm trying to help my friend who has the same emotional problems I did, I see the pattern coming.
My doc told me those bands, said I show positive for a PAST infection. And I'm not symptom free in any means, so that is why we're treating me they we are. I like my LLMD. Very knowledgable if you ask me. His wife had Lyme's and he treated her. He listens too.
Thanks for responding.