Posted 3/25/2010 6:31 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Bucci,
I haven't been reading the posts lately because I have been too busy. What is the reason the doctor put you on steriods? I'm a bit confused about that..
As far as low body temps, Dr. J. wrote this "Buy a thermometer and save your life" (very interesting):
Buy a thermometer and save your life. Knowledge is the best hope and gives you the courage to strive to be a leader, to where you can teach and lead a society as a whole that tend to sustain a destructive lifestyle.
One of the very common findings I have noticed with my patients is a low body temperature or at least a very unregulated distribution of temperature in the body. So, I want to give you a reason as to why you should always rejoice in a fever and be thankful you have a fever. I am finding that our population is cold, therefore, I hear, “I never got sick and now I have a serious illness, I don’t understand.” So, today, take your temperature and your family’s temperature, to see if you are “normal” or cold.
Your core body temperature is the temperature taken under the tongue. When human physiology books refer to the “normal” core body temperature it is presented as a range sometimes listed between 97.0-99.0°F.
Understand that the “ Normal Range ” for temperature or even the normal ranges in blood tests are based upon the average person of our day. That is why “normal” changes periodically, because as our average population continues to get sicker the Normal Ranges must be adjusted. So in this discussion I am speaking about what is an optimal core body temperature – 98.6-99.6°F.
Much emphasis is usually placed upon feverish conditions; however, a low body temperature is a much more sinister condition. Where a fever can be viewed as an active developmental and corrective process of the healthy body, a low body temperature can never be viewed as a normal or healthy condition, nor is it a mechanism for a learning or developmental process in the body. A low body temperature creates a happy home for viruses and chronic infections, and is a sign of degeneration and gradual cellular death.
Low body temperature is the plague of the 21 st century. People with low body temperature have a weak reaction to even the most ideal medicines and therapies. As the body’s core temperature becomes cold, the energetic crystalline matrix experiences a systemic collapse and the tissues condense.
The cooperative and collective intelligence of the human organism is short-circuited as the body temperature cools. As a result, all cellular functions decrease. There is a decrease in the production of all hormones, neurotransmitters, and other body chemicals necessary for normal healthy balance. As a result, there is an increased susceptibility to infectious disease. As temperature drops, the acidity of the body increases and the normally predominantly negative polarity of the cells become more positively charged.
The colder the body becomes, the more prone the person becomes to depression and other psychological abnormalities and all degenerative illnesses of the body, mind and spirit.
Until the causes of the lowered temperature are addressed and corrected, the best that can be hoped for is only temporary or mild improvement of symptoms and a gradual but steady overall decline in health.
Viruses prefer and promote a cold environment and replicate at a much more rapid rate when the body is cold. Viruses are killed and further replication is impeded by maintaining a warm body. Some bacteria such as Lyme spirochetes also prefer and promote a cold environment and can remain in a chronic state as long as their cold environment is maintained. Therefore, in the interest of the prevention and treatment of any viral, bacterial, or chronic illness, this topic must be understood.
The ultimate body coldness is seen in death. When observing a corpse many clinical gems can be gleaned and correlated to degenerative states of human suffering. In death, the blood and lymph fluid of the body solidify and the body becomes stiff and cold. In the same way, many chronic cold illnesses such as Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and cancer, we see that the body becomes progressively colder. As the body cools, the electrical oscillations of the fluids in the body slow down and there is a shift in the body’s polarity which promotes infectious microbes and cancer.
We can see the same principle of what happens in the body by observing the same dynamics in a water molecule. When the electrical oscillations of a water molecule slows down it becomes a solid, ice. As we speed up a water molecule’s electrical oscillations it liquefies and ultimately becomes a vapor.
The colder a body becomes, the slower the electrical oscillatory rate and therefore the thicker, more viscous, or syrupy the body fluids become. The more viscous the fluids become the more difficult it is for the body to push the fluids through the body. The lymph fluids that are normally supposed to bathe the outsides of all of your cells become progressively stagnant as it is too thick to move efficiently. Now, consider the fact that just like your skin is constantly dying and flaking off and being replaced, so it is that every cell in your body is in a constant state of dying and being replaced. Only now the cold, syrupy lymph fluid cannot wash the dead cellular debris away. As a result the body becomes a toxic waste dump!
Keep in mind that the body has been too cold possibly since birth, due to suppressive medicines, vaccines, fever reducers, heavy metal and chemical toxins, and energetically dead foods. The retraining and resetting of the body’s thermostat is just the beginning of healing the body of chronic illnesses. The normal body temperature must be held steady possibly for a year or more in some cases before the body can undo the damage of a lifetime of coldness.
Everyone can afford a simple thermometer. Track your temperature when you first awaken in the morning, before even getting out of bed. This reflects your core body temperature, when it is not being influenced by what you just ate, drank, or your activity level. Many of you will likely be surprised to see just how cold you already are. This is the result of generations of suppressive therapies and an imbalanced life. You must save yourself.
Many doctors will undoubtedly say that you need to take a thyroid medication to bring up the body temperature; however, this is the same mentality of taking a Tylenol for a headache. If you don’t believe me then ask anyone on the prescript ion thyroid medicines what happens when they go off of the medication? The body returns immediately to the previous cold condition. Definitely support the normal functioning of the thyroid, by detoxification, organic iodine, and nutritional support, but see the coldness for what it really is, a sign of multi-organ system breakdown, and longstanding or even generational imbalance. Besides, it is really the hypothalamus that regulates your core body temperature, along with your degree of motivation and sex drive. The hypothalamus is actually “upstream” from your thyroid. It helps the pituitary regulate the thyroid.
The healthy body has daily temperature fluctuations (diurnal) with the coolest temperature in the early morning hours, and the warmest being in the evening between 8-10 pm, after having rested for half and hour. Tracking of the difference between morning and evening temperature should reveal, in a healthy person, a difference of at least 0.9° F (0.5° C). People with a low body temperature and an overall degenerative condition will find that this temperature variation is minimal. Another unusual finding of dysregulated body temperature is that the evening is often colder than the morning reading.
The body’s best chance at long-term healing increases in direct proportion to the restoration of normal body temperature and its normal diurnal fluctuation.
You and your healthcare team must address your body from every direction and with every balancing tool available. You can never truly overcome this condition with pills. Therapies must engage and reactivate and stimulate the rhythmical, metabolic, and nerve/sense aspects of your body, addressing the body, mind, and spirit.
In a cold body there is always a disruption of the rhythmical aspects of the organism; that part of you that establishes balance between the metabolic and nerve/sense aspects of your body. No other medicine can restore this better than Iscar®, a European, injectable, prescript ion homeopathic medicine. Iscar does not artificially cause the body to heat up in the way many dietary supplements do, such as ephedra (ma huang) commonly used in weight loss supplements.
Other supporting therapies designed for restoring the rhythms of the body must be applied. These therapies might include color and sound therapy, hot and cold contrast therapy, life-activity planning, breathing and voice therapy, rhythmical massage therapy, curative movement therapies, and indeed, every other treatment from your doctor will address in some way the rhythmical aspects of your body. Peat clothing and oils also have unique properties that make this natural plant fiber ideal in the restoration of the warmth organization of the body.
Low body temperature must be addressed to bring the body back to balance. The temperature must be elevated to end the dying process of the body and to help the body eliminate the cellular debris or the “sludge” in the body.
For more information of how to raise your core body temperature please refer to the book, “Beating Lyme Disease” by Dr. David Jernigan.