Hi all,
These words were written by a friend of mine 5 years ago and perhaps some of you can relate to what she wrote:
"I'm happy to say that I'm done with antibiotics. I have been off them for a month now, and I'm never taking them again. I am taking Dr. Jernigan's borrelogen and neuro anti-tox three times a day, and I am eating right and taking care of myself. I finally have my life back. (Now if only I could get my hair back!!!! LOL)
I feel pretty good, a few minor things that I have to address once in a while, but nothing I can't live with. I am definitely living my life fully and doing the things that I need to do. I can work, exercise, garden, golf, read, sing with the worship team, survive my piano lessons with my meticulous chinese teacher, drive the kids around all day and walk the whole mall if I have to, etc.
There are two things I can't do anymore, but I don't care. One is run (jogging) I just can't do that right now because it makes my heart pound like mad, and the other is eat junk, but I don't miss that at all.
I realize now that I will likely always have lyme in my body, but I don't have to have lyme diseaselyme disease. I don't have to have pain and fatigue and brain fogbrain fog if I regulate a few important things. The things I regulate are: my pH, my body temperature, and my diet.
Taking antibiotics for so long made my body into a war zonewar zone, and it is a battle I can't completely win. The die off and the toxins were killing me and wrecking my quality of life because of the pain. The yeast was getting a hold on me finally too, and I definitely don't want a chronic candida problem on top of everything else. Bye bye antibiotics.
I have to supplement the thyroid and adrenalsadrenals because they are too beat up from 25 years of lyme having its way with me. I also take a liquid multivitamin, hemp oil, and wobenzyme. And the borrelogen and neuro anti-tox.
Every morning I exercise, I go in my sauna and every morning I pray to God to guide me and show me what to do to be well (and I pray for all of you too). That's how I start my day. Every night I have a detox bath and I use essential oils to address any aches or troubles (like that ear thing we all talk about). Oregano is my favorite oil, but it's caustic if used straight so I have to dilute it with a carrier oil like almond or jojoba. Essential oils are amazing! I have about forty of them, and I use them all.
I eat live raw fruits and veges, nuts and grains throughout the day. Uncooked means lots of enzymes and that is a great thing for staying healthy. I have some really good recipes, the food is not boring and now that I've been eating this way, I love it. I drink ginger tea, green tea, cinnamon tea, and lemon water. I eat organic foods and I don't eat white sugar or white flour. At night I eat a cooked meal with my family, but no pork and no shellfishshellfish because they are not really clean foods and I don't want to subject my body to them. No deep fried foods either.
The things I eat that I probably shouldn't but I don't really care are: organic black coffee in the morning, organic sulfite-free wine on the weekends, and organic dark chocolate (orange flavored is the best) whenever I want a treat. I know caffiene and alcohol are not so good for me, but I have these things anyway. I take extra molybdenum on the weekends when I know I'm going to have a drink. It helps get rid of the amaldehydes that are created.
This is my story, this is what's working for me right now. You all who know me know that I am not saying that I think people who take antibiotics are making bad choices or doing something they shouldn't. Everyone has to follow their own path and find out what they need and what they want to do. I just want you to know that I'm doing this, and my life is good again. I'm going to keep doing this and teach my kids how to do it too.
Wishing good health to all of you, no matter what route you are taking to find it."
Name withheld for privacy reasons
Today this lady is doing even better than ever and I am thrilled for her!
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