{back story:: bit by deer tick 20ish years ago, developed a rash, received antibiotics as precaution, still tested negative-never tested again- for Lyme.}
Now for past 18 months, have slowly developed symptoms that, in the past 6 months, especially past 4 weeks (what can I say, they have been a stressful 4 weeks!) have become almost unbearable all of a sudden! Remembered last night hearing the story bout getting bit by the tick......(I'm 24)......opinions?? from what i read Lyme is difficult to diagnose & dr are hard to come by......
SOME SYMPTOMS {past 18 mons}: [tingling & numbness almost all over sometimes:hand, feet, toes, face; joint pain-ankles, knees, shoulder, elbows, neck, sometimes severe; fatigue; BAD headaches; very stiff neck most always; heat intolerance-like i freaking sweat all night long all of the sudden, even with the ac cranked low and others freezing under the blankets; cant sleep <regardless of the heat>; severe mood swings & depression, among others...].....idk where or what to do next as I have no insurance & am so tired of the word hypochondriac coming out of my parents mouths & my friends thinking im making excuses not to hang out it with them....
Thanks for any help!!!!! -Bummed in the Sunshine State
Med History:(brief)
Chiari Malformation 6mm: diagnosed april 09 (when looking at xrays dr questioned if he had mine, says my bones look like im in my mid 40's, obvious bone loss and some calcification of some of my tendons, early signs of arthritis for someone so young)
Whiplash w/ a couple compressed discs & pinched nerves: diag aug 08 pain in left shoulder, radiates pain & numbness down left arm
diagnosis for menstrual related migraines July 08
fasting glucose test results: diag sept 08 insulin-resistant back in 08 cuz of my weight (since then dropped 50lbs) pretty sure thats resolved =D
have an irregular heart beat: been EKG'd, seems to be of no concern
had mono at 16, again at 19 (maybe a relapse)
i have horrible eye sight (just above legal blind at dmv) with nearly no depth perception
menstruation & fertility were an issue because of weight & depression, lost almost 100 lbs since my heaviest =)
....cant think of anything else, if ya think its pertinent, just ask =)
Post Edited (akatwinks) : 5/22/2010 4:42:37 AM (GMT-6)