First let me say this is a fantastic forum, however without a medical background, I must confess that I don't understand most of the listed data on the "New to Lyme" forum.
Just one question of probably many, can LD stay dorment in a body for over 60 years before surfacing?
I'm almost 71 y/o and just haven't been feeling well for the past 2 years, i.e. cronic fatigue, loss of
appetite, no physical energy, cold and or burning of the soles of my feet and it would take 2-3 months to shake a head cold instead of the former 5-7 days.
I've been referred to an infectious disease doctor for a complete blood workup and was diagnosed with LD as a result of a tick bite(s) during my pre-teens. I've been on a daily IV drip for 3 1/2 months of Rochepherin (sic) for the first 30 day and the last 2 1/2 months a daily IV drip of Aziithromycin. My recenty blood work shows a low SED and no traces of LD, however I don't feel any better now than when I first began the IV treatment. I've been off the IV drip for 1 week now but continue with Doxycycline 100 mg tabs 2X a day, Olive leaf extract tabs, B complex and B-12 injections but I just don't feel any improvement.
I'm having a difficult time in understanding if LD can remain dorment for so many years or as an "A" type personality am I expecting to much to soon.
Any input would be most appreciated.