I saw my new PCP today. She took one look at the previous tests and she said: "You have Lyme disease"
She knew what I've suspected all along, the previous PCP was clueless, he said the reason I was testing + is bec. I have had the disease in the past! Happy with her so far! All I can say is if you are new, make sure you do your own research, including interpretation of the tests: here is a good link:
http://redirectingat.com/?id=3040X598038&xs=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fflash.lymenet.org%2Fubb%2Fultimatebb.php%3Fubb%3Dget_topic%3Bf%3D1%3Bt%3D042077&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdjunction.com%2Fforums%2Flyme-disease-support-forums%2Fmedicine-treatments%2F781282-lyme-with-positive-western-igmWish me luck! I can't detox bec. I am breastfeeding, so I am excited to start and terrified how my body will react to it. I have been infected for at least 2 years, possibly more!
Make sure you click on the link, yes it is a long article, but at the end you will learn how to read your own tests! It has helped me and I have realized from the info that my previous PCP was clueless! I will print it out for refference, and I don't print anything, it is that good (or at least I have thought so)! If you are new, please make sure you don't listen to your PCP, discover yourself what the best path for you is! If I would have been properly treated with a longer dose of abx (I was given ONLY 3 weeks when I was at least infected for 6 mo), I may have never relapsed!