Thanks Gary, Don and Ashlie! Don, I'd love to hear more about your daughter's story at some point. Ashlie - so excited for you that you will be coming here! Will start praying for you! Day 2 and my Mom and I are so amazed at the process and how much information we are getting and the results I am experiencing already!! Truly incredible and a gift from God.
It's so hard to explain what they do here without actually experiencing it but I will do my best. :)
The CRT(Computerized Regulation Thermography) is the first diagnostic test that they have you do. Basically they take a bunch of temperature readings all over you head, neck, chest and back with a device that is hooked up to a computer. Then you stand in a cooled room for 10 minutes and they retake the readings to see how your body responds when dealing with a stressor (the cool air). The results are measured against a baseline to see which organs / areas of the body are not functioning as they should be. This was very interesting to me because he pointed out a specific tooth that was very inflamed without knowing that it had been hurting me for a couple of years now (the dentist has never found any issues with it). Also, the week before I went, my Lyme doctor found a heart murmur which I did not tell Dr. Jowdy about (on purpose…), but he told me about it based on the results from the CRT!
After going over the results of the CRT with you thoroughly then they move onto the Bio Resonance Scanning which is able to pinpoint the most critical issues your body is dealing with from one to ten. Bio Resonance Scanning is very hard to explain but for those who have done NAET, it is a much more advanced form, he said it is more like Clinical Kinesiology where the questions they ask are much more specific and they can do it faster and ask more things because there is no muscle testing involved. My top three in order of priority were lungs (no surprise since I have been dealing with asthma since I was 2), spleen (which has a lot to do with energy so that also makes sense), and kidneys. I was expecting adrenals to be pretty high on the list of issues, but they were actually #8. Also, in my CRT my thyroid results showed that they are functioning about as close to perfect as he has seen! Which was a little bit of a shock since I have been on thyroid meds for 6 months now. I asked if it could be the medication that skewed the results but since I had been off of it for 72 hours before the test it seems unlikely! He believes any symptoms that were interpreted as low thyroid are being caused by another issue in the body.
He then checked chemical responses and the first problem was a metabolic disorder, then viruses, then bacteria, fungus, mycoplasma and a few more. Again, I was surprised that bacteria was not first because of the Lyme. He also checks your tongue and iris for other clues on your body and how aggressively to treat.
Today he used the Bio Resonance Scanning to test supportive/corrective therapies for me. He found about 8 things that my body needed to be able to correct all the issues. I did something that I would not do anywhere else and took ALL the remedies at once in his office this morning. My biggest prayer has been that I would be able to tolerate everything that would be helpful so I decided to trust God and believe that they wouldn’t hurt me. Dr. Jowdy also checked all of them for any kind of allergic reaction and it showed that they were fine. So, after I had taken everything and he had balanced my electromagnetic field (with magnets and some other devices), and aligned my spine (I had 31 pelvic misalignments), I had NO reactions! It was nothing short of miraculous! Those of you with severe sensitivities to everything will be able to relate! Not only did I not react but I felt really, really good within an hour or two. I had clearer thinking than I can remember in I don’t know how long and I had enough energy that I was feeling like I wanted to go for a long run like I used to years ago. I did ask Dr. Jowdy about exercise and he said hold off for now…haha.
Don’t want to write a novel or overload anyone with too much info, so I’ll write again tomorrow but feel free to ask for clarification on anything and I will do my best! :)
My Mom is so impressed with my results that she is getting tested tomorrow too! I know that my progress will probably be up and down but so far I am just thrilled. Oh, also wanted to mention that the lady that we met yesterday who is being treated for Lyme has had insomnia for a long time and has only been able to sleep about 1 ½ or 2 hours at a time. My Mom saw her this morning and she slept 9 hours last night! Regardless of your beliefs about this type of therapy, it is hard to argue with that.
God continues to show up through all of this. Yesterday, my Mom and I talked about her calling her prayer group that she used to meet with in Texas when she lived there and have them pray for my treatments. Well, she forgot to do it but I checked my messages last night and had a vm from an amazing prayer warrior who is in that group. I haven’t talked to her in a year or two and my Mom hasn’t talked to her in about 6 mos but she left me a message saying she is thinking of me and praying for my healing. Certainly no coincidence there!
God is good and I look forward to sharing more of the journey that He has graciously allowed me to experience!
Have a great night!