Posted 9/17/2010 9:47 PM (GMT -5)
I can't say any one antibiotic worked better than another. I took amoxicillin by the handful, clarithromycin, azithromycin, ceftin, rocephen, plus others. I had heavy CNS involvement that would diminish after a few months on meds but would return with a vengeance within a week or two after I stopped. Most of the other crazy symptoms slowly went away or became milder over time.
I ended up taking amoxicillin for about 18 months straight and when I finally stopped, I didn't get any worse. I was not back to "normal" and never went back to the way I was. I still have brain fog, mild fibro symptoms, and other symptoms that may be permanent damage or maybe I still have an active infection. I've been on heavy duty antibiotics for a month or more at a time since I ended treatment and nothing changed (no herx, no improvement) so I believe what I have now is due to damage.
I tested positive for Lyme way back when and I still tested positive about 3 years ago through the local labs such as Quest. Even a doc at Yale agreed that I had Lyme, I was one of the few that tested positive in their lab. My regular old doctor in a basically non-Lyme state lists me as having chronic Lyme and whenever I get sick, he asks how it compares to my old Lyme symptoms. I rarely get minor illnesses like colds and the flu, I get fun ones like Valley Fever, endometriosis, and possibly Crohn's.
At my worst point, I could barely get out of bed, couldn't use my left hand, had intense pain and fatigue, tingling, numbness, trouble breathing, severe brain fog (actually forgot I had a daughter), plus most of the symptoms on the list. I would not be here today if I hadn't had a small child counting on me.
I wish I had an answer about what made me a lot better. I do know it took a lot more than one month on antibiotics. If a new treatment was developed that helped chronic Lyme, I would certainly consider it. Since I am now over 20 years older than I was when I got sick, I have no idea what I should feel like.
I completely understand the fear of stopping treatment. For years I went backwards every time I stopped. I only agreed to stop the final time if my doctor put it in writing that he'd restart treatment if symptoms returned. I kept all the old antibiotics whenever I switched, just in case. It took over a year before I was able to accept that the bottom wasn't going to fall out any minute. I still get nervous whenever I have to take antibiotics, I worry that the meds will annoy any remaining Lyme and I will get sick again. I uprooted my family and moved to the southwest to minimize our tick exposure. Only people that have been here can understand that fear.
I wish all of you the best of luck in your treatment!