Posted 9/19/2010 9:36 PM (GMT -5)
Most of these are symptoms I had included in a post on this site. I added more recent ones.
During childbirth, my BP bottomed out and O2 sats dropped to the 70s. Baby was fine. (9 years ago)
One month after my daughter was born, I passed out in a restaurant. Doctor checked me, said I was fine-anxiety attack.
A few days later, the same thing happened, but my mom was watching. What I thought was "passing out" she described as a stroke. One side of my face was drooping and my eyes were watering. She went with me to a neurologist who did an EEG and sent me home-stress.
I continue to have these attacks to this day. One doctor put me on beta blockers when she decided that my murmor might be the problem (that and my resting heart rate would jump to 180 for no reason). <In the last few weeks, these attacks have been more and more severe and landed me in the ER twice. My BP would be very low, heart rate high, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, difficulty speaking, and overwhelming feeling of cotton in my head. This worsening of symptoms is what finally led a doctor to believe I wasn't crazy and search for answers.>
Went to tanning bed after my daughter was born. Went to tanning beds my whole life and never had a problem. However, this time I got an immediate headache, and felt like I was burning (from the inside out!) I was in there exactly 2 minutes. I got out to look at myself and my whole body looked like raw hamburger meat. Went to the doc and got a steroid shot-allergy to cleaner. Took me 2 more times with my own bottle of soapy water and 2 different tanning beds to learn my lesson. <part of the reason I was tested for Lupus>
This past year I have started having extreme fatigue and migrating joint pain/stiffness. No swelling. Doctors treating it with prednisone. Helps for a while. My hair is coming out by the handfuls. I shake uncontrollably. I have muscle twitching in weird places, like one tiny muscle group near my left shoulder blade or one small muscle on my thigh, etc. I have a weird vibrating sensation in my legs (always makes me put my hand there as if I can feel it with my hand, but of course I don't). Gained weight and had thyroid levels checked. Doctor said they were low but not enough to say I was hypothryoid. I'm losing fine motor control. Having urinary incontinence at times. Balance is off. Forgetting things (short term).
<In the last 2 months: dropped 24 pounds, BP drops to around 88/45 (lowest detected so far), seizures, vomiting, weak, trembling, very high heart rate, urinating frequently and large amts>
The doctor says that my pituitary was damaged during child birth (called Sheehan's syndrome), and eventually stopped working altogether. Because the pituitary secretes hormones to signal other glands to secrete hormones, I'm going to need lots of supplemental hormones. My thyroid and adrenals are not functioning adequately. I have low estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, and human growth hormone. I was suffering from diabetes insepidus (sp?) and didn't know. It's a mess. No wonder I felt so bad!!!
I go back to the doctor with my husband on Thursday to discuss my illness with him because he has believed all the other doctors who thought I was crazy and nothing was wrong. She put me on some type of supplement to help stimulate my adrenals (drenamin). She drew levels again and will decide how much of which hormones to put me on after she gets the results back (small town-hehe). I will have to take these for life or I can die. I'm so thankful that this doctor cared enough to investigate further. She told me to absolutely go to the ER if I need to, but next time I have a diagnosis to tell them so they will know what to look at. Answer to many prayers!
Thank you for showing interest in my condition!
Good health to you!