Just wondering how many people that are being treated for Lyme have had surgery for anything and what that did to your treatment process. My wife has been delaing with the pain from a ovarian cyst the size of a baseball. This morning she was having awful abdominal pain bad enough to go to the ER. They found that a smaller section of the cyst did rupture, but not the larger part of it. Her OB GYN whom she likes and trust wholeheartedly and knows our situation with Lyme suggest that she have surgery to remove the cyst and possibly her ovary to forego any problems in the near future. We are very concerned about
having surgery due to state of her immune system as well as Lyme, but we feel that our choice is very limited. Her CD57 marker when last checked was a 27. Anybody have a simular situation or had to go through surgery for anything while dealing with the whole Lyme scenario? Does your Lyme treatment stop completely when you have another procedure done, I would assume that it would have to??