Traveler said...
Hi TLHDirector!!!!
Welcome to our forum!!! I am sorry that you have a need to be here, but am glad you found us!!! I am sure you will find us to be a caring, helpful and understanding group!!
How long have you been infected? How long have you been in treatment? What type of Doctor are you seeing? Maybe you could tell us a bit more about your situation?
We look forward to getting to know you, and sharing & learning with you!!!
Again- welcome to Healing Well!!!
Thanks for the welcome! I have Chronic Lyme, supposedly for 10 years, diagnosed 2 years ago. The LLMD I was first referred to, turned out to be a ILMD (Illiterate Lyme Medical Doctor - have to vent some way!) and even though I told him my 2 year old dog was killed by a Lyme co-infection, never bothered to test me for co-infections. Long story short... 4 or 5 antibiotic treatments over 2 years. No improvement, condition worsened. Found who is supposed to be one of the top 3 LLMDs in NY. Spent much money (that I don't have), verdict is not in yet on him. Put me on Doryx timed released doxy and after the 2nd pill I thought I was going to die. I'd taken doxy 3 times but not in this strength and not time-released. Told them there is no way I am going back on antibiotics until I try everything else there is. Putting me on Byron White Herb Protocol which I really believe can only help.
I don't know where.. might have been here that I saw a posting about
watching all 5 videos for a Dr. Thomas Rau, from a clinic in Switzerland. I watched the 5 videos and knew this is the way I need to go, to heal myself first. He strongly advises if you are on antibiotics, then you have the wrong doctor. I bought his book and am following the The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health. 25% of his patients in Switzerland are Americans. He spoke of many things I was unaware of that helped me to understand what I feel is the best direction for me to go.
Please take the time to watch all 5 videos and I'd be very interested in your feed back. Dr. Rau makes nothing but perfect sense. If this doesn't work, I will still have a healthy body for the first time in 59 years.
I"m anxious to start taking the homeopathic treatment in conjunction with this body cleansing.
Let me know your thoughts please. I think it would be extremely beneficial if a group of us tried this to help others if this works the way I really think it will.