elh21566 said...
I am considering a combination of detox baths and Lymphatic massage alternating daily for between a week or two before starting an herbal treatment protocol alternating the bath and the massage each night my idea for starting early is to purge any residual toxins before starting the treatment and also to have the lymphatic system operating efficiently before starting the treatment to limit any Herxing as much a possible. any thoughts it seems to make sense to me but experience is always good.
Hi Elh!! Welcome to our community! I'm so glad you found us.
As Girlie said, if you haven't yet, it would be helpful for you to start with reading through the thread at the top of the forum titled,"New to Lyme?...Start here!!", as it is packed full of important information, symptom lists, helpful links and pdf's, how to detox when one has these infections, information on probiotics and much more.
And, here's another good place to find helpful detoxing routines:
While that's not what I did when I attempted my very first treatment, it's exactly what I did before I started my second round of treatments (all herbal) and then was successful at healing - but later got reinfected.
Please do let us know how we can be of help to you!