Here is what two of our members have said about
From Daisyrib;
Something that has helped Gary and me is this Detox Bath. We notice immediate results each time. Pain reduced or totally gone, nauseousness gone, plus more energy.
Although I have posted this on other threads, thought I'd share it here. I post not only about
the Detox Bath but information about
how/why it works.
Online there are various "recipes". We found everything at Wal-Mart. This "recipe" and information is from Dr. J's book**
* 4-6 cups Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate).
* 32-64 fluid oz Hydrogen Peroxide (3%, as found in grocery store).
* 2-4 Tablespoons of Ginger (fresh grated preferably) wrapped in a thin piece of cloth or in a tea ball. An old piece of nylon hose also works well.) I cut up a pair of new nylons, after grating the ginger/measuring it out appropriately, stuffed the nylon and tied knots at the ends.
I use 5 cups of Epsom Salt and 64 oz of Hydrogen Peroxide. I do not use the ginger as I notice my skin is sensitive to it.
* Dry Skin Brush entire body for five minutes before bath, removes the layer of dead skin for better absorption (Gary and I have our own Dry Skin Brushes.) You start with the feet working upwards, hands move towards shoulders, torso upwards toward the heart, back upwards and over shoulders towards heart. Light pressure in areas where skin is thin, and harder pressure on places like soles of feet. (Now that I've got the hang of Dry Skin Brushing, I think I'm addicted to it. Ahhhhhh! Now I know how a dog feels to get his back scratched.)
* Fill the bath tub with WARM water. Then add Epsom Salt, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ginger "ball". Swirl water around, then get in the tub for 20 minutes MAX.
Shower off after wards so skin doesn't get dried out.
Actions of Hydrogen Peroxide/Epsom Salt/Ginger Bath
* Hydrogen Peroxide - a simple, nontoxic molecule of H2O2 that is beneficial in oxidizing (breaking down) toxins as well as killing anaerobic microbes. It will also detoxify pesticides and petroleum-based toxins and oxidize metals. Hydrogen peroxide is also naturally produced by macrophages in the body to kill harmful bacteria. Most harmful bacteria are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen or hydrogen peroxide. Cancer cells are often very sensitive to increases in oxygen and cannot survive in oxygen-rich environments. When hydrogen peroxide is applied topically to a cut, the resulting bubbling is from the rapid release of free oxygen and, more importantly, from the idling of the bacteria in the cut. Friendly bacteria are aerobic and need and thrive on oxygen.
* Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) - Recent research has shown that when one soaks in a bath of magnesium sulfate, both magnesium and the sulfate independently increase measurably in the blood and urine. Magnesium sulfate helps stabilize Hydrogen Peroxide so that its ultimate breakdown into H2O and free oxygen is more gradual and functional to the process of benefiting the body. This research documents the very real beneficial aspects of this bath therapy. The Epsom Salt Council reports the following about
the benefits of Magnesium in Epsom Salt baths.
Magnesium, a major component of Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate), is the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body. Magnesium also helps to regulate the activity of more than 325 enzymes and performs a vital roll in orchestrating many bodily functions, from muscle control and electrical impulses to energy production and the elimination of harmful toxins.
The National Academy of Sciences, however, reports that most Americans are magnesium deficient, which may account for our society's high rate of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies and stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a host of other ailments. The Academy estimates the average American male gets just 80% of the magnesium required for good health, while females get only 70% of their recommended levels.
Nutritionists say Americans' magnesium levels have dropped more than 50% in the past century.
Raising magnesium levels may:
+ Improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood cots, and lowering blood pressure.
+ Improve the body's ability to use insulin, reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes.
+ Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.
+ Improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Also, calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood.
+ Relieve stress. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body. Magnesium is necessary fore the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well being and relaxation.
Sulfate: The "sulfate" part of the Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate). This form of sulfate must not be confused with "Sulfa" drugs, to which some people are allergic. People who are allergic to sulfa drugs will not react to sulfate in Epsom Salt. The benefits of sulfate in the body are summarized by Dr. Rosemary Waring of the School of Biosciences, in Birmingham, England:
+ Oral supplementation of Sulfate cannot be easily absorbed across the gut walls; therefore, by soaking in this bath, sulfate can be more efficiently supplemented. Sulfate is essential for many biological processes.
+ Sulfate is needed for formation of proteins in joints; decreased sulfate levels are common in the plasma and joint synovial fluids in cases of arthritis. Sulfate is also low in people with irritable bowel syndrome.
+ Sulfate is necessary for sulfation, a major pathway in detoxifying drugs and endogenous (toxins from within the body) or exogenous (environmental ) toxins.
+ Sulfate is necessary for the repair and formation of brain tissue. Reduced levels of sulfate can lead to faulty neurological connections and subsequent dysfunction.
+ Sulfate is needed for proper digestion and for proper utilization of digestive enzymes.
+ Sulfate is essential for the production of mucin, a protein which lines the intestines. Mucin stops food and drugs form sticking to the lining of the intestines. It also blocks the transport of toxins from the gut into the bloodstream.
* Ginger - functions to
open up the pores of the skin and increase the blood flow at the surface of the skin so that the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide can do its work in detoxifying poisons and kill bacteria and fungi. The pores
open wider so that the magnesium sulfate can be more readily absorbed. Ginger is invigorating and can stimulate preparation for the elimination of toxins.
**From "Beating Lyme Disease: Living the Good Life In Spite of Lyme" by Dr. David A. Jernigan
***In order to not make this a horribly loooooong post (
), I'll paste the next comment below, in another post.