Lots of tests with some good and some bad results. For Lyme, I am IgG negative on all bands now. For IgM, I am band 23 and 41 positive (somehow band 39 from my orig Western Blot is now negative). Some bad things:
I now have mononucleosis with EPV very high for early and nuclear antigens, etc. - JEEZ!! Other bad things are my Human Trans Growth Factor beta 1 for TGF-b1 is very high - 10460 when the 'normal' range is 344-2382. But the Complement 3a and 4a for this were normal. The former is evidently a very high indication of imfammatory response (cytokine storm the doc called it).
There is good news too: Negative on Babesia (B. microti IgG and IgM and B. duncani) and Bartonella (B. henslae IgG and IgM and B. quintana IgG and IgM), Other key measures:
CD57 % = 13.8 (normal is 2.0-17.0)
CD-57 Absolute = 235 (normal is 60-360)
WBC = 4.8 (4.0-10.5)
RBC = 4.87 (4.10-5.60)
Hemoglobin = 14.8 (12.5-17.0)
Hematocrit = 42.6% (36-50)
MCV = 88 (80-98)
MCH = 30.4 (27-34)
MCHC = 34.7 (32-36)
RDW = 14.0 (11.7-15.0
Platelets = 242 (140-415)
Neutrophils = 57 (40-74)
Lymphs = 35 (14-46)
Monocytes = 7 (4-13)
EOS = 1
Basos = 0
VEGF = 38 (0-115)
Rheumotoid Srth Factor = 8.4 (0-13.9)
Vit D (25-hydroxy) = 67.7 (32-100)
SED = 6 (0-41)
C-Reactive Protein = 0.5 (0-4.9)
Melanocyte Stim Hormone = <8 (DOC SAID THIS IS VERY LOW)